Diploma in Digital Marketing

"Once you are done with Digital Marketing Professional Course, you will get opportunitie to go for Job, Start your own business, start working freelancer or even you can work as a freelancer with your existing job"

Manish Pandey (Certified Professional)


Why take this course?

Learn how to market
a business online just
like experts and
agencies do it

This Course is best fit for

Working Professionals


Course Details

  • Digital marketing overview
  • Search engine optimization
  • PPC Advertising, google adwords
  • Google analytics
  • Social media marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Online reputation management
  • Making money via adsense & blogging
  • What is SEO?
  • Introduction to SERP
  • What Is On Page
  • What are search engine
  • How search engine work
  • What is traffic
  • Different types of traffic
  • What are keywords
  • Different types of keywords
  • Google keyword planner tool
  • Keyword research process
  • On page optimization
  • Keyword optimization
  • Content optimization &planning
  • Meta tag creation
  • Using google webmaster tool &website verification
  • Sitemap creation &submission in website &webmaster
  • What is FTP
  • How to use FTP
  • Off page optimization
  • What is Domain authority
  • What is page rank
  • How to increase page rank
  • What are back link
  • What is link building
  • Type of link building
  • Importance of content marketing
  • Social bookmarking submission
  • Directory submission
  • Forum posting
  • Classified submission
  • Ping submission
  • Search engine submission
  • Top tool for SEO
  • Blog Creation & Commenting.
  • Understanding inorganic search results
  • Introduction to google adwords &PPC advertising
  • Overview of Microsoft ad center (Bing & Yahoo)
  • Setting up Google Adwords account
  • Understanding adwords account structure
  • Campaigns, Ad groups, Ads, Keywords, etc.
  • Types of advertising campaign-Search , Display
  • How adwords rank ads
  • What is CTR
  • Why CTR is important
  • Understanding bids
  • Creating search campaign
  • Creating ads
  • Optimizing search campaign
  • Creating display campaign
  • Introduction to google analytics
  • How google analytics work
  • Understanding google analytics account structure
  • Understanding cookie tracking
  • Types of cookie tracking used by google analytics
  • Starting with google analytics
  • How to set up analytics account
  • What is link tagging
  • Benefits of integrating adwords & analytics
  • Importance of funnels
  • How to view customized report
  • What is social media
  • Understanding the existing
  • Marketing on social networking websites
  • Facebook marketing
  • Understanding facebook marketing
  • Facebook fan page vs profile vs. group
  • Creating facebook page
  • Increasing fans on fan page
  • Uploading contacts for invitation
  • Adding Facebook plugging in website
  • Creating external tabs in Facebook page
  • Facebook advertising
  • Best practices for Facebook advertising
  • Creating Facebook advertising campaign
  • Targeting in ad campaign
  • Payment module
  • LinkedIn marketing
  • What is LinkedIn
  • Company profile vs. individual profile
  • Marketing on LinkedIn groups
  • How to do marketing on LinkedIn group
  • LinkedIn advertising & it best practices
  • Twitter marketing
  • Understanding Twitter
  • Tools to listen measure influence on
  • How to do marketing on Twitter
  • Advertising on Twitter
  • Tools for Twitter marketing
  • Video marketing
  • Understanding Video campaign
  • Creating 1st Video campaign
  • Importance of Video marketing
  • Benefits of Video marketing
  • Uploading Videos on Video marketing websites
  • Using YouTube for business
  • Developing YouTube video marketing strategy
  • Creating Video ad groups.
  • What is online reputation management
  • Why online reputation management is needed of hour
  • Understanding OMR scenario
  • How to deal with criticism online
  • 10 online reputation management commandments
  • 15 ways to create positive brand image online
  • Understanding tools for monitoring online reputation
  • Step by step guide to overcome negative online reputation
  • Best examples of online reputation management